The place you turn to when you
As the title sets the stage, I wish to make a quick note and point about this page.

A Conspiracy is an hidden and/or secretive agenda, attempted act, plot or ploy that is secretively planned, staged, or played out in either past, present or future. The word can be derived from the word conspire or defined as one who wishes to Conspire.
A Theory is an assumption of idea(s) that is or has not proven valid nor  proven invalid (theory).
A Conjecture is an scientific based assumption of idea(s) that is or has not proven valid nor  proven invalid.
Both Theory and Conjectures are closely related in meaning, and are most often based on Educated analysis. However, in some instances it does not take an educated analysis to come to such conclusions or create or have a theory.

Together, a Conspiracy Theory may seem to be factual and true or valid, but cannot be validated, until proof is given or offered to support the statements, accusations, or the accusers claims.
Some who attempt to convey such, appear or are accused as being : Odd, Paranoid, off their rocker, deranged and are treated as out cast;

Sometimes such is proven true and/or valid, by then its Too Late!