The place you turn to when you
As I sat watching a TV show, I thought about what to write about as I find everything controversial.   In doing so, I decided to share my thoughts about our 2nd amendment rights in the current time and contrasting it to what I imagined are the negotiation tactics that were used in the earlier times before Grizzly Adams, Daniel Boone, Chuck Norris were ever was conceived. All of which were, like me, stubbron and bullet proof!

Before I begin, I would like to take a moment to say that I express concerns about our rights, but speak with examples in which it may come across as an attack to certain parties.  I say it now so that there are no confusions; I have no quarrels with those whom it seems I speak of, other than when they try to infringe upon my freedoms, then I truly welcome open conversations.

In saying that I tend to have a quick fuse and then, minutes latter, settle into a civil tone realizing my mistakes. So, with my 357 magnum sitting casually on the coffee table,the 14 inch Winchester Bowie sitting underneath, my initial response will need to be well disciplined.  As if that  is not enough I normally keep my 45 under my  pillow and my all time favorite back up, the 12 gauge loaded with 3” Magnums propped up beside the bed. A couple of 30-06s complement these deterrents and are laying anxiously in corners should the need arise for some distant plinking scenarios.

Still, I wonder what people think as they walk into my man cave?

Without commenting to the mess that adorns every room, I would hope that in any visitors it would be one of those "Nazi Anti-gun Advocates” that entered my house preaching their tort of how all guns should be outlawed! In such I will just silently stack up a pile of guns and ammo taller than we both stand together listen to him preach, rant and rave. With all the guns sitting there loaded in front of them, Naturally I would then have to speak and pursue the matter as to impel my contradicting thoughts on the matter in the most toying of ways

In such instance, I can only imagine that I would offer them a quick training course on proper use of a firearm and allow them to test a few rounds at one of the local targets in my backyard. Naturally, I would expect their response to be that of declining nature, which would be followed by a lecture of how dangerous and unnecessary Guns are and a most likely a few insults to my integrity and way of life due to my arsenal. I am sure that my honor would suffer some amount of insult in which I would kindly demand and suggest we settle this matter and invite them to a fair pissing contest as to settle our disagreement. 

In such agreement of this contest, I admit that I have put some thought into such scenario to which would be a fairly contest without any weapons involved, except our Minds, words, fist and feet.

In such I would offer to his advantage the following rules:
  1. We can each have one beer prior to any attack as to nullify any pain.
  2. I get to go first and attack him with only three blows; but not target his head or face.
  3. After I am done, and for his recuperation of returning retort, we sit in the AC for an hour,  both drink two more beers each, each enjoy a good cigar, my treat, and he silently allows me to talk without uninterrupted comments or disagreement.
  4. Afterwards, in his retort, I will agree to stand there not defending myself, and he has no limitations and can do anything that comes to his mind for as long as he wants, including destroying my prize vehicles etc, until I admit that he wins; then he must silently and peacefully go away never to return and/or seek vengeance for the event.
  5. I get to laugh as much as I want while he retorts.
Now, not many people know what I mean by a beer and good cigar as I have both low standards and high expectations. Much less do many understand my logic's of intent?  Still, one beer for me is a quart of my favorite draft, and two quarts will put me close, if not over the top! A Good cigar (not those over rated Cubans) has a good taste and draw up to a third or half way down;  after that they are no good and the smoke is heavily in-pure and leave your lungs sore for days. Still ,such good smokes are unaffordable to me, so I buy the poorest brand available and take a few drags and then leave them to rot. Occasionally someone will offer me a couple of cigars of higher quality in attempt to out do my standards, and even then I sometimes decline as they do not quite meet muster. Like I said I have low standards, and high expectations.

In all honesty I must admit my intents are preplanned and often followed by reverse psychology which I justify with fairness of logic in the most diligent of ways.  In such, I can imagine that as I lock and close the door, we are now standing there ready to settle our differences in the civil manner we have just agreed upon:

 I would first ask him if the beer has had time to be effective, if so I would ask him to open his legs and close his eyes and think of a happy place! Naturally, I will have a pair of steel toe boots on, if not pointed cow boy boots as I target his grapes. However hard it may be to imagine an Anti-gun Nazi having a set, I will envision that I am about to make the best vintage wine ever made and would kick with all my might!
As he folds over grasping for his obliterated junk, I would allow him enough time to savor the moment. Then without warning, I will deliver kick two to his chest, hoping to take out a rib or two, which should then place him at ground level.
As to show compassion and remorse of my last blow, and in hopes he will do the same in return, I will honor my agreement and target his knee and not his face .

When he is capable, I will gently help him up and inside, into my most comfortable chair and fix him a cold pack for his marbles. Having made him as comfortable as possible, we then we can sit and have our beers and cigar. As we talk,
  • I will first apologize to him and explain that I was a black belt in the Martial arts and probably should have mentioned that before the agreement.
  • I will also explain that my kicking him so hard was an attempt to have him remember and respect me fondly for the rest of his life,  to keep him from reproducing future Nazis’, and  as to render him with limited capability to kick me hard as I kicked him.

As we sit there smoking the cigars
  • I will not open the windows as to gather the full effect and perfumed aromas, which I will silently be praying that the smoke will have its common effect and shorten his breathing, which will temporarily limit stamina.
In other conversation,
  • I would ask him how it feels to stand there helpless and vulnerable, unable to defend yourself  with one of the guns stacked up inside, knowing you are about to be injured or hurt severely.
In my last effort, hoping he is as drunk or buzzing as I am by the second quart beer;
  • I will be hoping that his coordination and judgement will be off when it comes time to step outside!
  • Lastly, I will remind him how hard it was for him to walk and how difficult it was for me to help him inside. I will explain that he will most likely be too exhausted and angry, and unwilling to assist me in his unlimited responses. I will demand that I am stubborn and not give in, in such I be allowed to make one call as I anticipate I will need some form of compassionate help afterwards.
As we finish our beer and cigar, I know I will not look forward to his actions as he will surely be, with a drunken lack of fair judgement, eager to return all the favors that I had inflicted upon him and then some! I am sure that all of my questions and explanations will have him royally pissed and renewed with might and vengeance of God Himself; in fact I am stubbornly bullet proof drunk and counting on it! I also know he will be the first out the door to which I will obligingly following. Once outside, I will lock and close the door again and make my phone call.

With all the gesture and tort behind us, I will stubbornly not say a word. I think in doing such he will have a revelation and come to understand my stance, honor and strong commitment to my freedoms of the 2nd Amendment as well as my animosity towards Anti-gun dip-shits like himself. When the police arrive, they most likely find me staggering, but they will also find him drunk, angry, kicking, and screaming in an uncontrolled irrational rage…to which they will have no choice but to arrest him for a wide range of charges such as, drunken and disorderly conduct, attempted and aggravated assault with intent to harm, threatening to kill someone, trespassing, vandalism, etc… At that point, I will stagger to the door laughing hysterically,  unlock and open it and stick my head out and tell him "He Wins!



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

